Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Ooooo..So tiring

Asalamualaikum everyone,

Hey..its been a while since i updated this little blog of mine so here's an update, lectures have started, its only been day 2 and it has been..well challenging..but i'm going to stay positive and try to tackle every wall that comes before me. so..yeaa..hahaha..

and today's video will be tahDAh!!!!!

enjoy and have a good one (^_^)

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


Asalamualaikum everyone,

forgive me for not being able to update this website for a while since i've been busy going to school these past few weeks although we have not begun our lectures yet, we still have to settle some things which..well yea..membuat saya terlalu sibuk untuk mengupdate.

I'm not going to say a lot on this post, since well yea..i'm busy, but i will leave you with an old video. this video was taken last year if I'm not mistaken, around december, a video clip of us practicing for our mini concert in Temburong so i hope you guys enjoy it, as for the other videos (directing this statement to iud) sabar ahh...hahahaha..balum ada masa ku yo sorry.

enjoy the video and have a good one (^_^)